One2fan Blog

How to Find Inspiration For New TikTok Content?

Creating content requires effort. While platforms like TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube offer a space for creativity and self-expression, consistently producing high-quality content requires inspiration, dedication, and time. It is no surprise that sometimes creators run out of ideas. What to do then?
Coming up with original and engaging ideas for content is not the easiest process, especially when you need to do it on a daily basis. Luckily, there are some techniques that can help you! Better still, these techniques can be used on every social media platform. They include exploring different formats, keeping up with current events and trends, following other creators, collaborating with them, and taking breaks.
How can these help you? Let’s dive into and learn! 🤳

Explore Different Formats

Content creators who work in the same niche often become hostages to content in the same format. They choose the format that they can produce quickly and that once helped them gain popularity.

The biggest mistake is that trying out different content will push away subscribers. On the contrary, trying out something new helps prevent monotony and provides variety, catering to different preferences and tastes. By exploring new formats, you can attract a wider range of viewers and keep your existing audience excited about your content.
Diverse content can become a part of your overall strategy in gaining even more subscribers and popularity. Especially, if you are a content creator on TikTok, YouTube Shorts, or other social media that has one general feed of videos or posts powered by a recommendation system. Your diverse content will appear in the feed more often and you can be discovered by more users, even if they were not interested in your content before.
You can experiment with different content formats, such as tutorials, reactions or storytelling, within your niche. To find inspiration you should look at your competitors and see what kind of content they are doing.
Make sure you use all the features of the platform on which you produce content. This will make it easier for you to find a new approach to your blog.
As a TikTok creator, you can try these 2 features:

Every platform has its unique features even if they look similar. A content creator should use the whole potential of the platform to diversify his or her content.

Experimenting with different content formats helps you keep your content fresh, engage your audience, discover new opportunities, develop skills, and remain adaptable in a dynamic digital environment. It allows you to continuously evolve as a creator and provide value to your audience.

Keep up with current events and trends

Incorporating current events and trends into your content makes it more relevant and relatable to your audience. It shows that you are in touch with what's happening in the world and helps you connect with your viewers on a deeper level.
You can produce relevant and highly engaging content in only 4 steps:

1. Conduct Research

Conduct thorough research on the current events or trends. Depending on your niche, you can use world news, events from the world of show business or pop culture, music, movie or series releases, as well as trends that are gaining popularity in a particular social network.

To use events and trends properly, you should understand the context, different perspectives, and potential impact on your audience.

There are several ways to learn about current events and new trends:

  • News sites that often publish both world news and news from the world of show business and pop culture;
  • Websites that cover a wide range of entertainment news, including updates on new music releases, movie premieres, and TV show launches (Entertainment Weekly, Variety, or The Hollywood Reporter, to name just a few);
  • Social Media: official accounts, hashtags, and influencers related to the entertainment industry can provide plenty of info;
  • One2fan Official Accounts: once every two weeks we publish information on our Twitter and Telegram about the emerging trends that can be used in TikTok or YouTube Shorts.

Choose events and trends carefully. They should align with your niche and suit your image.

2. Find Your Angle

Thoughtless news coverage or trend repetition is a dangerous path. Even influencers who specialize in news content add something personal and unique to it.

When you have chosen the event or trend you want to cover, plan how you can align your content with these topics in a meaningful way.

Bring a unique perspective and add value to the event or trend. Consider your audience's interests and preferences, and brainstorm ideas that resonate with them while staying true to your own image and voice. Authenticity helps build trust and credibility with users and fosters meaningful engagement.

And even if you want to attract a new audience, think about what kind of people you want to engage: what their age, interests or dreams are. It will help you in producing content in the future!

3. Create Your Content

You have decided on what current event or trend you want to reflect in your content. Now it’s high time to make it!

There are different types of content creators: some prepare a detailed script, others like to improvise in front of the camera.

If you are not into scripts, but you need to mention some facts in your content, it's better to write them down or save them somewhere. If you are filming a video that involves different locations, transitions or even other people, you can prepare at least a plan too. If you film a short trend video that involves lip-syncing or dance moves, you can just rehearse them and film a video right after.

Consider the platform you are creating content for and tailor your approach accordingly. Different platforms have different formats and expectations, so adapt your content to suit the platform's unique features.

4. Use Hashtags and Keywords

There is no point in making a trendy video that other people won’t see.

TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and other social media have their own algorithms that help users to discover relevant content but you have all the tools to help people discover you!

Just incorporate relevant hashtags and keywords related to the current event or trend in your content. This can help you to get discovered by users who are actively searching for or engaging with content on that topic.

You can use relevant hashtags and keywords in the video or photo caption and in your content as well in the form of narration or subtitles.

Knowledge of current events and trends can help you create viral content and become much more popular (learn more about how to use trends to go viral in our article How to Go Viral on TikTok?).

Events and trends are an endless source of inspiration. Just be mindful of potential controversies or sensitive topics and ensure your content is appropriate and well-informed.

Follow Other Creators

Current events and trends are a great source for content creation. However, such information is quite general and may not always be adapted to your niche. There is only one way to learn what people are really interested in your sphere – follow other creators!
This will help you in 3 different ways:

• Discovering New Ideas

By following other creators in your niche or related fields, you expose yourself to a variety of content ideas. You can observe their unique styles, formats, and topics, which can spark your creativity and give you fresh ideas for your own content.

The goal of following other creators is to gather inspiration, not to copy or replicate their content. Pay attention to the concepts, themes, and styles they use, and use them as a springboard for your own unique ideas.

Consider what resonates with your audience and how you can infuse your own creativity, storytelling, or personal experience to make something original. The main secret of producing original content inspired by other creators is to merge various elements like ideas, concepts, or formats, and putting your own spin on them.

• Learning New Techniques

Pay attention to the techniques and strategies used by successful creators. You can learn valuable tips and tricks to apply to your own content to enhance its quality and engagement.

Observe storytelling techniques, editing choices, camera angles, use of music, and any other elements that make other creators’ content unique. Analyze what works well and consider how you can apply similar techniques to your own content.

Many creators share tutorials, behind-the-scenes footage, or breakdowns of their content creation process. There are also plenty of tutorials on YouTube. Keep an eye out for these resources and experiment with applying new techniques to your own work.

• Staying Updated with Trends in Your Niche

Following other creators allows you to stay updated with the latest trends and events in your niche. You can see how they adapt and incorporate them into their content, and engage with their audience.

Study the videos, posts, or articles about events and trends in your niche that have garnered significant engagement, views, or shares. Thus, you will be able to identify what topics, themes and problems interest your target audience. You can highlight them in your content and offer your unique perspective, thoughts or solutions.

This knowledge can help you stay relevant and attract your target audience.

Following other creators also provide motivation and support. You can learn from their successes and challenges, share experiences, and find a community that understands the ups and downs of content creation. This support can keep you motivated and inspired during your own creative journey. Networking also opens the door to collaboration and this is another source of inspiration for new content.

Collaborate with Others

Working together with others brings a fresh perspective to your content. Discussing events, trends or content creation with people who clearly understand you leads to new ideas.

It’s awesome when you have somebody to exchange insights with and learn from each other's experiences. Collaborations can be an effective way to tap into the collective creativity of the community.

Collaborations between content creators can take various forms depending on their niche, interests, and audience.
Here are 4 common types of collaborations between content creators:

1. Joint Content Creation

Collaborate to create content together, such as a video, podcast episode, blog post, or social media campaign. This can involve brainstorming ideas, dividing tasks, and combining talents to produce unique and engaging content that showcases your strengths.

Joint work allows content creators to create larger-scale projects, such as a short film, documentary, e-book, or online course. Creators can pool their resources, skills, and expertise to create something more substantial that can benefit both their audiences.

2. Guest Appearances

Invite each other to make guest appearances on each other's platforms. This can involve being a guest on a podcast, participating in a video, or contributing a guest blog post.

Guest appearances allow both creators to leverage each other's audience and introduce themselves to a new set of followers. The result is the blending of unique creative ideas, skills, and personalities, that leads to a richer and more diverse content experience.

3. Challenge or Tag Videos

Participate in challenges or tag videos together. The idea is to create a chain of content where creators participate, put their unique spin on the challenge, and then tag others to join in.

Challenges often have a set of guidelines or themes. When you have a particular theme, it can be much easier to invent something original and infuse your personal touch to the theme or tag.

Challenges and tag videos also foster engagement and collaboration within the content creator community.

4. Live Collaborations

Go LIVE together on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube to engage with both creators' audiences in real-time. You can hold a Q&A session, a discussion, or a live performance.

TikTok has a great tool called LIVE Matches to help creators in live collaborations. Creators can showcase their skills or compete with other creators using built-in platform functions. We've compiled everything creators need to know about matches in our article All You Have to Know About TikTok Live Matches.

Putting on a show or having a live competition with another creator is an unforgettable experience. While preparing to stream together with another creator, you can exchange your brightest ideas and get inspired from each other.

Collaborations helps you reach out to a wider audience, gain exposure, and provide a unique experience for your viewers.

Collaborations with other creators are a great way to introduce you to new ideas and help expand your reach to their audience.

Take Breaks

Constantly creating and producing content can be mentally and physically draining. Taking breaks allows you to recharge your energy levels, refresh your mind, and prevent burnout.

Sometimes, stepping away from creating content can provide the mental space needed for fresh ideas to emerge. Take breaks, relax, and recharge yourself.

When you're exhausted or overwhelmed, the quality of your content also may suffer. Taking breaks ensures that you have ample time to plan, review your strategy, and think over your new ideas with the level of quality and attention they deserve. It enables you to focus on refining your content, enhancing its value, and delivering the best possible experience to your audience.

A break from your working routine enables you to reflect on your progress, evaluate your strategies, and assess your goals. It provides an opportunity to review the impact of your content and the engagement of your audience.

Great ideas come from a wandering mind, because the act of allowing your thoughts to wander allows you to break away from conventional patterns of content creation and think outside the box.

Fresh and original ideas are born when you least expect it: at the moments when you get vivid emotions and impressions.

The best break is the one that involves a change of activity: close all social networks, go for a walk or a short trip, take up a new sport or hobby. New impressions and new experiences will lead to new ideas that will rekindle your desire to create.

Taking breaks and relaxing doesn't mean neglecting your work or slowing down your progress. It's about finding a balance that allows you to sustain your creativity, well-being, and long-term success as a content creator.

Make sure you have incorporated regular breaks into your routine to ensure you can continue to produce high-quality content while taking care of yourself.

Lack of inspiration or new ideas is a problem familiar to both beginners and experienced creators. It can lead to burnout and a loss of interest in creating content. Luckily, there are more than enough resources to spark your creativity again!

Stay curious, keep experimenting, and always listen to your audience as they can provide valuable insights on what they would like to see from you. Every obstacle is just another chance to become better! 🔥
2023-06-29 09:00